خدمات النظافة ومكافحة الحشرات

الضباب البارد و التبخير

Cold fog (ULV) and Fumigation Cold fog is a cold, ultra-fine spray that is released from a device that works with a tremendous thrust that reaches remote places and works to turn the leaves of trees to eliminate the flies and mosquito larvae in the swamps. Cold fog technology is also considered the best way […]

الضباب البارد و التبخير قراءة المزيد »

النمل الأبيض (القرضة)

The next danger, who lives underground A perennial insect, small in size and lives in underground colonies, where it finds its way to its food by building long mud tunnels around foundations and ground extensions, and it can penetrate through cracks of no more than 2.5 mm. Termite damage It severely damages foundations and floors,

النمل الأبيض (القرضة) قراءة المزيد »

تنظيف وتعقيم الخزانات

Water is the most important ingredient of life and the basic necessity for all daily living requirements. And because it is the most important element of life, Karkar has gone beyond the traditional methods of cleaning the ground and upper tanks, swimming pools, especially fresh drinking water tanks. Karkar is one of the distinguished companies

تنظيف وتعقيم الخزانات قراءة المزيد »

نظافة عامة للمنشآت

The cleanliness of a building’s exterior is a natural extension of its cleanliness on the inside. Karkar is fully convinced that cleanliness is one of the finest urban aspects of buildings. It gives it beauty and luxury, no matter how simple the construction. Whatever the type of construction: Residential – Commercial – Industrial. Whatever the

نظافة عامة للمنشآت قراءة المزيد »

مكافحة الحشرات الضارة

Harmful Insects The presence of insects seriously harms human health and transmits many dangerous diseases to him, and the control department eliminates them in several ways, including: (spraying – fogging – fumigation – poisonous baits). Cockroaches Disgusting insects are found where a person lives and it has been scientifically proven that they transmit more than

مكافحة الحشرات الضارة قراءة المزيد »

تنظيف الكنب والموكيت

Sofa and carpet cleaning There is no longer a problem when holding parties, banquets, and events because of Karkar system for dust extraction and cleaning of carpets, rugs, books, boards, and curtains … We will return it as it was. By using the latest advanced equipment and materials that do not affect the color or

تنظيف الكنب والموكيت قراءة المزيد »

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